
My Friend the Trumpet
Publisher: The Recreational Musician
ISBN: 9780989207324
201 pages Paperback
My Friend the Trumpet is an important book. Ivan Hunter, an authority on the trumpet, brings to the reader information and insights gathered over 60 years regarding playing, teaching, designing and building brass instruments.
Hunter boldly challenges conventions of music education including preconceived ideas about playing and practicing - particularly for the recreational musician.
An easy to read, friendly and practical book. A “must have” for any professional or amateur musician interested in brass!

New product!
Trumpeting 4 Fun
Publisher: The Recreational Musician
ISBN: 9780989207331
64 page Spiral Bound
This book aims to unlock some of the mysteries of trumpet playing for prospective players, their parents, and also teachers of recreational players or band teachers who do not have a strong brass background.
Music 4 Fun
Publisher: The Recreational Musician
ISBN: 9780989207348
334 page Spiral Bound
This book contains over 300 melodies set for Treble Clef instruments. They are not only great examples of music, but the chronological juxtaposition of serious and vernacular, concert and folk music, gives an interesting perspective to social history.

German version coming soon!